
And Other Computer-Access Devices

Almost every other assistive device Henry uses depends on his accessing the computer via headtracker. The headtracker was invented by Randy Marsden about 20 years ago in Canada. It is a small, specialized camera which translates head movements into cursor movements. It allows typing up to 15 words per minute [when used in conjunction with an online keyboard including word prediction, like Keystrokes. The headtracker is ideal for quadriplegics who cannot speak or type with their hands, but who still have good head control. It allows you to use most commercial software on any off-the-shelf laptop [albeit slowly]. If you can’t move your head, but can move your eyeballs, you might try an eyetracker. If you can only speak, try DragonSpeak to type. A good summary of available devices is listed here.



Where to Buy

How It Works

Driving Robots

Driving Robots

Simple Designs

Simple Designs

RC Sport Flyer

Building Techniques


Writing Software


Giving Speeches