R4H Presentations

R4H has given a couple dozen presentations all over the world using Beam.
Below are a few examples.

Genentech U.S. Medical
Affairs Conference
Phoenix, AZ

Guest Lecturer at Ithica College
Evaluating Assistive Devices

Miami Dade County ADA
Silver Anniversary Summit

Nueva School
Strategic Planning

No Barriers Summit 2015
Park City, Utah

Guest Lecturer at the University of Notre Dame
The Inspired Leadership Initiative

Guest Speaker - AOTA INSPIRE 2022 - Increasing Independence with Stretch:
A Mobile Robot Enabling Functional Performance in Daily Activities

Guest Lecturer at University of Illinois - Human-Robot
Interaction in Community Health

Class Mentor at UCSD CSE276D

InTouch Solutions
#All-In Accelerator
New York, NY

4th Annual North Carolina
G R E A T Conference

San Jose Rotary Club


Aspen Big Ideas Festival

UP Conference Speech
Houston, Texas

FundaciĆ³n ONCE
AI and New Social Challenges
Madrid, Spain

Guest Lecturer at Carnegie Mellon University - Robotic Caregivers
and Intelligent Physical Collaboration - 16-887

Commencement Speaker
Kinross Wolaroi School
Orange, Australia

Guest Lecturer at OSU Robotics
Oregon State University

Austin, Texas

Mobile World Conference
Barcelona, Spain

Lincoln Center
Washington D. C.

IREX 2015
Tokyo, Japan

U. S. Congress
Republican Retreat

Guest Lecturer at Georgia Tech Robotic Caregivers
From Dreams to Reality 409A

Speaker at Society, Robots and Us: Robots and People with Disabilities
Zoom Conference-

Guest Lecturer at Harvard Medical School
DPT899 - Interfacing Engineering Technology and Rehab Course

"The Tech for Good" Conference
San Jose, CA

"The SIGGRAPH 2019"
Conference In LA

"The Rise of the Robots"
Conference At SRI
Stanford, CA

Momentum Mobility & Trans Expo
Berkeley, CA

Guest Lecturer at UCLA
Disability Studies 101W

Guest Lecturer at Cal-Tech

Guest Lecturer at University of Massachusets Lowell
COMP5500 - Assistive Robotics

Guest Lecturer at Oregon State University
Assistive Robotics

Speech to San Leandro Leadership Forum